
June 24, 2022
Jasmine Kalta

Is Pruning Necessary?

Pruning is the process of cutting back on the number of branches and twigs in a plant to encourage new growth and keep it healthy. You can increase a tree’s overall health and longevity by removing dead, damaged, diseased, or crossing branches. 

Proper pruning can benefit your landscaping in several ways. It will reduce the risk of storm damage and the number of dangerous branches and other hazards, and decrease the opportunities for pests and snakes to find your home.


● Proper pruning influences the growth of large trees, which is beneficial for safety. Because it removes dead, diseased, or broken limbs, the structure of your tree is more stable and more resilient, which helps reduce the risk of falling branches breaking. When trees brush against buildings, falling branches become a significant safety hazard.

● Pruning can also improve the general appearance of your tree, as properly shaped trees have a stable branch structure. It is an important aspect of gardening. In addition to aesthetic benefits, pruning will help prevent the spread of disease and insect infestations.

● Trees with large canopies can obstruct the growth of plants below them. Proper pruning will allow the lower branches to receive more sunlight and rain, reducing the risk of leaf disease. It also encourages better airflow through the canopy, allowing leaves to breathe and expel excess moisture.

When is the best time to prune my plants? 

The ideal timing to prune your plants depends on some factors. Some of these include the climate, age, and plant size. Depending on these variables, each plant will require different amounts of care.

The winter months are ideal for pruning as tree growth is slow and leaves are not visible. Furthermore, pruning during the dormant season promotes faster healing and a healthier tree. It is also safer. If you want to prune a tree’s branches without harming its bark ridge, make sure to cut them close to the main branch, preventing damage to the branch collar and ridge.

Some plants require routine pruning. They might promote new growth if you do it too late in the summer. Then, when winter comes, the new growth may not have a chance to harden off, resulting

in cold damage or death. Always prune dead limbs and damaged plants as soon as possible so they can heal before they suffer from any disease or insect infestation.

Proper pruning aims to encourage symmetrical growth and a more open appearance. By removing old and dead blooms, pruning allows side branches to grow. This method can help maintain a specific height in a plant for years. Ideally, pruning should be done before the plant opens its buds. For this purpose, use hand pruning shears, hedge shears, or loppers. Make sure to prune all branches at least half an inch above the bud. Cutting too close to the bud can kill it, but cutting too far away will leave a dead tip on the branch.

Proper pruning tools are essential for a professional and efficient result. Invest in the quality pruning tools that Unison Supply has for you. We have the best arborist equipment for sale in the industry. Contact us today!


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